Monday, 24 September 2012

Busy September gigs!

Another great month of wedding and parties; we've been all over the country playing at country houses, in marquees, gardens, mansions and hotels... it's been quite a tour!
The jazz sets are getting really popular - I've been enjoying the sun while playing in our quartet, trio and quintet.  With lovely guests offering canapes and pimms... who could ask for more! I've taken a few pics on the way - take a look and see if you can see yourself (or someone you know!)

Psychodelic Tithe Barn!
Hill Place - Swanmore

Dean on drums

Martijn and Piers giving it a blast

Rachel - The Hurlingham club

The Hurlingham club - Putney

Great Fosters

Party on!

Pembrook Lodge

Could this be a new role fro Jim?

Jim and I doing a duet!

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